Balancing equations is a fundamental aspect of chemistry. Working with different reactions and quantities means that having the correct balanced equations is necessary. While it may be seen as a simpler aspect, it can be tedious and tiresome to do correctly.
MatDeck Free Balancing Chemistry Equations Function
However, with MatDeck Free software, balancing equations couldn’t be simpler, simply type in your chemical equation using Ctrl = for an equal sign and right click it, the equation will automatically be balanced. MatDeck Free with its chemistry software is a “live document“ meaning that it automatically updates and executes any changes, ensuring your work is always up to date.
Balancing Chemistry Equations Software Example
Balancing a chemical equation correctly has several rules. The most integral factor is conservation of mass. By having equal moles before and after reactions, chemists can be confident their process is feasible and possible. All of this is taken into considerations with MatDeck Free’s automatic chemical balancing equations; it gives you the right answer 100% of the time. Consequently, by balancing chemical equations, chemists can predict quantities needed, identify anomalies and be more precise with their work. Small changes like these separate the professional chemists from the amateur chemists.
MatDeck Document Balancing Chemistry Equation Screenshot
The MatDeck document below shows the balancing of equations in a canvas as well as text boxes and a text editor being used all in one canvas; this can be mixed with additional mathematical equations, functions, GUIs and graphs. MatDeck software chemistry features are available in MatDeck Free software.
Balancing Chemistry Equation combined with MatDeck Features
Chemical equations can be balanced and used in MatDeck with the added help of automatic balancing and insert-able sub-script/super-script. Additionally, the equations can also be combined with a small array of mathematical functions and 2D graphs in MatDeck Free. For those who want to step into the world of professionalism, MatDeck has 2,000 + functions for all sorts of professional as well as GUIs and features that deliver the much needed specialist outcome without the much hated effort and time.
Equations can be easily auto-balanced once written in a canvas. This simplifies the process for beginner chemists and makes sure that even veteran chemists don’t make mistakes. Additionally, for larger reactions that use various substances and quantities, auto-balancing greatly saves time and effort.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Sodium Hydroxide
The example below is of hot sodium hydroxide reacting with chlorine gas to produce sodium chloride, sodium chlorate and water. Initially the reaction is unbalanced, but MatDeck auto-balances to have a equal number of elements on both sides.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Sodium Hydroxide (Cold)
Like the reaction before, sodium hydroxide again reacts with chlorine gas. However, cold dilute sodium hydroxide is used resulting in sodium chlorate, sodium chloride and water being produced. Due to cold dilute sodium hydroxide being used, the equation balances differently.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Ethylene Hydroxide decomposition
Ethylene is one of the most common and abundantly used alkene in the chemical industry. Here, ethylene hydroxide is decomposed to ethylene and water. MatDeck recognises that this reaction is already balanced and makes no edits.
The decomposition of ethylene hydroxide is also a reversible reaction. Simply right clicking on the reaction arrow will change it to represent a reversible reaction.
Like most MatDeck features, chemical equation balancing can be used in conjunction with other features. In the example above, narrative text editing is utilised to highlight that the reaction is reversible.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Caesium
Caesium is a highly reactive metal element with a staggeringly low boiling point of 28 degrees Celsius making it a liquid at room temperature. Being highly reactive, it reacts violently with water to produce caesium hydroxide and hydrogen. MatDeck balances the reaction by doubling the number of reactant molecules and sodium hydroxide molecules.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Nitrogen Purification
Nitrogen is another heavily used element in the chemical industry. It can be used from fertilisers to nylon sheet and explosives. In the example below, sodium azide (a highly poisonous compound) is decomposed into sodium and nitrogen. Nitrogen being a diatomic element, it will always decompose to a pairing of nitrogen atoms.
MatDeck will auto balance the reaction as soon as the equals is right clicked and the reaction is now feasible.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Ammonia Combustion
The combustion of ammonia is a powerful reaction with a resulting explosion in most cases. It’s a exothermic reaction and produces nitrogen and water. The example below is of complete combustion, in the case of incomplete combustion carbon dioxide would also be produced.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Hydrogen Production
Similar to nitrogen, hydrogen is a widely used element with uses ranging from rocket fuel to reducing metallic ores due to its reactive characteristics and ability to compound with most metals. Here, zinc is added to hydrochloric acid to displace and produced hydrogen and zinc chloride.
While the example above illustrates how hydrogen is produced from hydrochloric acid, hydrogen is also used to produce hydrochloric acid which is a widely used acid.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is one of the most abundant processes occurring at any given time on Earth. It is critical to a plants life as it produces vital glucose which provides plants with energy and is used in the production of organic compounds such as cellulose.
The process is balance by increasing the number of reactant molecules six-fold and the oxygen produced six-fold.
Photosynthesis is vital for us as well as it takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Fermentation
Fermentation is another abundantly used process in food production and can be represented and balanced with MatDeck’s chemical equation balancing. Fermentation is the process of glucose breaking down which helps preserve food and alleviates beneficial bacteria in food.
The balanced example below is of glucose breaking down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Ethanol can be used for other organic processes in food and creating alcoholic beverages.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Lithium Chloride
Lithium chloride is a compound produced from the simple reaction of the metal lithium and chlorine gas. The reaction is balanced by doubling the lithium atoms present in the reactants which produces two lithium chloride molecules.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Methane Combustion
Methane burns with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and heat. Methane is a flammable alkane and is one of the highest contributing green house gases. The balanced example below is of the complete combustion of methane.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Sulfuric Acid
Sulfuric acid is produced by reacting sulphur, oxygen and water. The sulfuric acid produced is implemented heavily in the chemical industry and in the production of fertilisers. Sulphur first reacts with oxygen to produce the compound sulphur dioxide which reacts and ionises with water to produce acid.
Balancing Chemical Equation – Respiration
Aerobic respiration is the most vital process to breathing organisms. It takes glucose and oxygen to produce the necessary energy for living organisms to survive along with carbon dioxide and water.
MatDeck balances the respiration process by increasing oxygen reactants six-fold and the products of the reaction six-fold as well.
Chemistry formula template and balancing chemical equation
Disregarding chemistry functions and databases, MatDeck has chemistry Formula Templates. MatDeck Formula Templates include formulae from Physics, Chemistry, DSP, FFT and other fields. Formula Templates are ready-made segments of formulas, functions as well as code. They are used to not only reduce the time and repetitiveness of projects but also eliminate human error.
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