Drawing Chemical Structures Libraries
The MD Chemistry Software already boasts impressive chemistry formula and equation balancing mechanics as well as several GUIs that help users easy work with chemical databases, constants, units and more. Now the MD Chemistry Software will also include an advanced and comprehensive library for chemical structures and chemical drawings.
The new library contains chemical templates which can be combined in seconds to create new chemicals. The premade and ready to use chemical drawings are found in the Insert tab. From there, you can add them by choosing their Group and then the chemical itself and finally clicking where on the canvas you would like to add the chemical drawing.
Once in the canvas you can combine them with other chemical drawings to create any known or unknown chemical structure. The MD Chemistry Software allows the chemicals to seamlessly interact with other chemicals in order to create a fluent and visually appealing display of the chemical.
Above is a crude example of a library which simply shows how shapes can be easily added via the templates. In the example we have one main molecule in the centre while the user adds additional chemicals arroung it. The user can directly add them to a canvas or have them in their own canvas.
Drawing the chemical structure of a compound is the easiest way to visually express the bonds and make-up of a chemical and is done around the world by professional chemists and amateur chemists to explain and predict properties and structures of chemicals and compounds.
The MD Chemistry Software also allows for incredible uniqueness and personalisation to make your chemistry stand out. The level of customisation also allows users to tailor their drawings and documents to themselves, allowing them to better understand and solve complex chemistry problems.
Drawing Chemical Structure Library: Creating Chemistry Libraries
After drawing a chemical or compound, users can easily create distinct and custom library file to tailor make chemical drawings and more to their current goals and projects. Once any object has been added, all you need to do it right click and click Manage Templates, from there, you can save the Template under a name and group.
By making custom libraries so easy to create, users can save hours of otherwise tedious work in a matter of minutes.
Drawing Chemical Structure and Creating Chemistry Libraries: Using the MD Interactive Periodic Table
The MD Chemistry Software allows chemists to go beyond any normal chemical drawings by combining them with other MD features such as the MD Interactive Periodic Table.
The MD Periodic Table allows user to find information on elements and add them to a canvas promptly, from there the variables can be used in conjunction with all other MatDeck features such as 2D graphs, easily allowing several variables to be plotted at once.
Drawing Chemical Structure Libraries and Creating Chemistry: The MD Interface
The Layout of all MD Products have been maximised to allowed for the utilisation of MD functions and features while being easy on the eyes. Chemical drawings are added to a canvas just like any other MD feature, this allows for the implementation of useful formulae, GUIs, Math objects, operator and more. These features are able to seamlessly interact to allow for professional experimentation and documentation. This is seen as one document can be used for mutiple purposes such as coding, chemistry but also creating libraries .
Above is a simple example of a time-saving MD function that removes human error. The design of MD products allows the user instantaneous access to all these features creating a stress free and efficient environment.
As you can see the MD interface is simple and streamlined, changes can be made and applied in a matter of seconds, saving precious time. The level of customisation is also visible as you can see that all components of the bond and line can be changed to better suit the users wants.
You can see from the image above how MatDeck is used in specific scenarios, Formula Templates and Chemistry GUIs were both utilized to get an accurate answer promptly.
Here is another well worked example of MatDeck in use, similar to the example above we make use of MatDeck’s large variety of predefined Formula Templates to find the Moles of Solute. We also utilize the MD Interactive Periodic table to import variables such as the exact weight of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
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