MatDeck has incorporated a range of functions and tools that can be used for straightforward and effective data exchange with Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases. The user can store and read large amounts of data, combine this data with GUI elements to create a diverse range of applications and forms; as well as saving the results of the calculations into one of the supported database engines, reading and modifying the stored data and sharing it.
The main advantage of using MatDeck to work with databases is the simplicity of its usage and interaction with database engines. All supported database engines interact with MatDeck documents and scripts through the same functions and GUI elements; you can use the SQL syntax of the engine you are working with but through the same scope and aim of MatDeck functions to finish projects faster. Database data can be stored locally in MatDeck variables, tables and other objects, you can also print them in a row format, manipulate them or visualize them in graphs or GUI gadgets/apps
With MatDecks Database Browser we can establish a connection with any supported database engines: Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. When choosing one of the database engines radio buttons, the form adapts itself by setting the engine default port and enabling/disabling the GUI elements needed to establish connection. The Database Browser enables you to view: data stored in database tables; you can find out how tables are defined; what are the names of columns; what data type they can store; column default values; what kind of keys are used; column character sets, collations, privileges and so on.
There is also tab that can show the database Data Definition Language (DDL) script for the table,
Indexes and Triggers definitions and additional properties
From the Query tab we can execute custom queries and view the execution results
MatDeck Database Browser is simple yet very useful tool which empowers users to accomplish basic interactions with databases, and to find out all database/tables definitions and properties that can help them in further database interactions through MatDecks functions and script.
- Python Examples
- Python Calculator Example
- Databases
- Python Database
Important Links
For tips and useful information on how to use the different features in MD Python, use the following manuals:
- GUI Designer Manual
- Programing with Python in MD Products
- MD Script Programing
- Python Examples
- Python Calculator Example
- Python Database Examples
- MD Examples
- Programming Manual
- MatDeck user Manual – comprehensive manual on all features available in complete MatDeck. Certain features from the manual will apply to MD Python Designer.
- Python IDE