Drag and Drop TCP GUI App Builder for Python and C

Python TCP, Serial COM port and FTDI GUI App Templates in MatDeck
MatDeck Python Instruments and Channels

MatDeck C and Python TCP GUI

MatDeck’s TCP GUI Template allows for a simple connection to TCP Sockets without a single line of code. This allows users to create apps that can communicate over TCP by simply dragging and dropping the TCP GUI Template in the GUI Designer, meaning that they themselves can save time and avoid writing tedious code. From there, they can utilize a variety of powerful and straightforward functions.

Drag and Drop Python and C TCP GUI Widget
Drag and Drop Python and C TCP GUI Widget

Please note TCP, COM Port and Instruments are available only in the full version of MatDeck. Virtument (instrumentation panel) and SCADA are also available in the full version of MatDeck.

MatDeck C and Python TCP Functions

Simple, easy to use TCP functions in MatDeck style script can easily connect, read and write over TCP ports. The whole of MatDeck library can now be accessed via Python. The library contains several TCP functions which allows for the creation, maintenance and connection of TCP Ports and Sockets. This means that users can now make it so that their apps can independently communicate and gracefully utilize multiple windows to further personalize their app.

Example TCP Channels in Python

With the MD Python Library, users can now utilize MatDeck channel function to create, connect, write, read and maintain TCP port and socket channels with single lines of code.

Python TCP Functions and Channels
Python TCP Functions and Channels

As you can see the syntax for the MD Python Library is simple and time saving.  MD Channel functions offer a much higher customisation.

TCP GUI Widget MatDeck Example with Python Instruments
TCP GUI Widget MatDeck Example with Python Instruments

Alongside the TCP GUI you can add all other GUI Widgets as well as instruments, with all the code being generated by MatDeck.