Signal Re-sampling Toolkit – Resampling Form
Resampling Form is used to upsample or downsample the input discrete-time signal. The resampling factor is set within the Form.
Filtering Toolkit for FIR optimal design – FIR Optimal Form
The FIR Optimal Form is used to design linear phase FIR filters by using the Parks–McClellan filter design algorithm. At the same time, the Form can be used to filter the input signal by a designed filter if the appropriate check box is marked. The design parameters are set or entered by using appropriate fields in the Form. The Form contains the graph which shows the amplitude response of the designed FIR filter.
Waveform Generation Toolkit – Waveform Form
Waveform Forms are used to generate typical test signals. The signal type is selected from the drop-down menu which has: sinusoidal, Dirichlet, rectangle, sinc, sawtooth, triangle, square. The Form contains the graph which shows the signal waveform of the generated test signal.
Correlation and Convolution Toolkit – Correlation Convolution Form
The Correlation Convolution Form is used to perform convolution, cross-correlation, or cross-covariance between two input signals. The operation is selected using the graphical elements of the Form.
Signal Transforms Toolkit – Signal Transforms Form
Signal Transforms Forms are used to determine the input signal in the desired transform domain. The graphical interface of the Form is used to select the desired transform, and corresponding parameters.
Signal Statistics Toolkit – Signal Statistics Form
The Signal Statistics Form is used to determine signal features by using envelope or peaks or to perform basic noise removal by using a moving average filter. The Form contains a graph which shows the resulting signal.
Equalizer Toolkit – Graphic Equalizer Form
Graphic Equalizer Forms in MatDeck can be used to tune frequency components of the input signal. The Equalizer filter is designed by setting values of the amplitude response of the equalizer at given frequency bands by using a 31 slider. Number of frequency bands, which is the number of sliders, is selected according to the common audio standard. Graphic Equalizer Forms are a very convenient tool in various audio testing applications.
Equalizer Toolkit – Equalizer Ten Bands Form
The Equalizer Ten Bands Form is a Graphic Equalizer with simple and a effective filter bank for fast processing. The input audio signal is split into 10 bands using simple IIR filters. The gain in each band can be separately adjusted by using the corresponding slider.
Equalizer Inverse Toolkit – Inverse Equalizer Form
The Inverse Equalizer Form in MatDeck is used similarly to the Graphic Equalizer to tune the frequency components of an input audio signal. However, the Form offers more flexibility and interactivity compared to the Graphic Equalizer. It allows users to enter inverse values of the audio system amplitude response at desired frequency points. Inverse Equalizer Forms are very convenient tools in various audio testing applications.
Audio Toolkit – Chirp Signal Generator Form
A chirp audio signal whose frequency is swept in a defined frequency range is a very common test signal that is used for testing audio equipment. In MatDeck the Chirp Signal Generator Form is used to design a chirp audio signal.
Audio Toolkit – Signal Frequency Analysis Form
MatDeck contains many tools for the frequency analysis of a signal, for example fft, dct, periodograms, and spectrograms. However, it is often required to display the amplitude spectrum in a fast and efficient manner. The Signal Frequency Analysis Form is used to display the amplitude spectrum of a given signal. The most important feature is the fact that the user can select the frequency axis scale and the signal spectrum can be represented using a linear scale.