Compared to other software, MatDeck users can integrate and combine MatDeck C ++ style script, Python, drawings, diagrams, mathematical functions, documentations, tables, custom graphical user interfaces (MatDeck visual GUI designer) and other complex features in the same file. However, what separates MatDeck is its No-Code toolboxes which allow for all of this to be done with no experience or programming.
MatDeck’s LabJack software is a perfect fit as it has more than a thousand demanded features, which can be used simultaneously as well as independently. These are all now available to LabJack T-series devices. One unique feature of MatDeck is Virtument, its virtual instrumentation panel, it can be seen below.
Any LabJack device connect to MatDeck to be directly controlled and operated by Virtument. Here, over 19 individual instruments are each available with editable customisation that can be used to display, control and measure data obtained from LabJack devices.
Channels are used to communicate data through instruments in Virtument.
For direct LabJack MatDeck support, feel free to contact
Why you should use MatDeck for LabJack devices
With MatDeck’s LabJack software, users can setup multiple LabJack devices in one document. The device can be either be set via code (Python or MatDeck C++ style script) or by a bespoke GUI for LabJack T-series devices.
GUIs are directly integrated together with the user’s code. This unique MatDeck feature reduces coding lines by a factor of 2 to 5 times. Ultimately, it minimises errors within the written code as well as simplifying the entire process of writing code. Please see the LabJack GUI and table image. MatDeck documents ensure that multiple device setups and checks are made easy.
Users can make measurements or processes in MatDeck with multiple devices whilst using GUIs and being saved as a single file. The user just runs the file and all the measurements and tasks will be done again.
SCADA for LabJack Software
MatDeck also allows for the integration of SCADA alongside LabJack devices, it does this is a similar method to Virtument as it uses channels to send and receive data to and from the device. It can also log all this data into a database file as well as manipulate it with hundreds of MD functions.
Here we can see how the SCADA toolbox offers all of this from one form.
Users are also able to utilize ArrayFire functions that allow for CPU and GPU acceleration of hardware. This reduces the processor load and executes code on a video card. With a good video card, you will create an extremely fast processing system which can be applied in many applications.
On a single device numerous settings can be operated, as well as on the same pin. MatDeck ensures that the user can setup the device, change the devices settings and run the device again using new settings, all in one file.
PC virtual instrumentation is available to LabJack devices in the form of MatDeck Virtument.
MatDeck’s users can also use a database, if they are using measurements on LabJack devices for longer periods of times. Please see the LabJack database image.
MatDeck includes complementary specific commands for LabJack T-series devices. The dedicated commands are found in MatDeck functions and include a description as well a necessary examples on how they are used.
LabJack users can create tailored GUIs for their applications. GUI Designer will deliver code in Python or MatDeck C++ script and can be mixed with the written user code. This saves enormous amounts of time and reduce mistakes and deliver an independent application which can be installed on other PCs.
This is done by using the inclusive MatDeck GUI Designer as well as users being able to create plug-in software and functions. MatDeck has been created so that all levels of programming users can operate the various types of software and functions offered.
MatDeck’s LabJack code is compact as many functions are ready made so users won’t need to write any additional code for them.
Creating standalone apps(.exe) with our LabJack Software
Custom apps can be created in an unlimited number and installed on various PCs This will produce a .EXE file for LabJack applications and which users can distribute it accordingly.
MatDeck ensures that users can operate numerous functions from various areas of academics (science, mathematics, computing) to solve tasks effortlessly and quickly. Other than the mentioned examples, MatDeck has more than a thousand other different features.
There are two main segments of a SCADA application. The first segment is the device that is used to send, control and receive data and the other segment is the software that interprets and displays the data. This means communication between the hardware unit and the SCADA application is essential.
Custom MatDeck configuration forms are used to connect and configure the hardware devices. Depending on the manufacturer, different configuration forms are used for different devices.
LabJack Examples
By using MD LabJack GUIs and other MD GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces), the amount of code is reduced 2 to 5 times depending on the example.
Basic MatDeck examples for LabJack T series
Example 1 – ConfigLabJackTxAIN (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring Analog Inputs AINs using MD C script
- Configuring Analog Inputs AINs using GUI
Example 2 – ConfigLabJackTxDAC (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring Analog Output DAC using MD C script
- Configuring Analog Output DAC using GUI
- Runs the Analog Output – DAC in Stream mode
Example 3 – ConfigLabJackTxDIO (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring Digital PWM Output using MD C script
- Configuring Digital PWM Output using GUI
- Simply adding 2D Graphs by using a GUI without using code
Example 4 – MultipleConfigSameDevice (PDF, MDD)
Applying multiple configurations on the same device while it is working and creating a table of measuring results for all configurations.
- Configuring and running device T7 – task1
- Again configuring and running T7 – task2
- Again configuring and running T7 – task3
- Creating common measurement result report tables with the measurements from task1, 2 and 3
- Exporting a report table with all measurements to Excel (Excel file will automatically be created)
- Creating Text Report file with the names of tasks and all measurements, writing the date and time of when the report is generated.
- If you are doing multiple tests like production testing you can generate a report again by pressing the Evaluate icon, you don’t need to close and open file again.
Example 5 – MultipleConfigWithTable (PDF, MDD)
- Same as Example 4 – only the table is created by table cell commands
MatDeck instrument panel for LabJack T series examples
Example 6 – TemperatureVirtument (PDF, ZIP)
- Configuring a PWM output that generates heat and measuring temperature by MD C script
- Displaying a MD instrument panel Virtumet
- Slider for setting up PWM duty cycle
- Digital and Analog thermometer
- Temperature graph by time
Example 7 – TemperatureVirtumentGUI (PDF, ZIP)
- Configuring a PWM output that generates heat and measuring temperature by GUI
- Displaying a MD instrument panel Virtumet
- Slider for setting up PWM duty cycle
- Digital and Analog thermometer
- Temperature graph by time
More about MatDeck Virtument
MatDeck Database for LabJack T series example
Example 8 – Labjackdatabase (PDF, ZIP)
- Configuring Analog Inputs AINs for thermocouples using a LabJack GUI
- Add a database and store AINs measurements in the database every 30 seconds
- Generate temperature graphs by using a MD GUI
- How to create a database and records table
Advanced MatDeck examples for LabJack T series
Example 9 – LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_example (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring a device by MD C script
- PID controller using MD C script
Example 10 – LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_GUI_PID_Script (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring a device by MD C script
- PID controller using GUI
Example 11 – LabJack_PID_GUI_ALL (PDF, MDD)
- Configuring a device by GUI
- PID controller using GUI
Example 12 – Opticalsystem (PDF, MDD)
- IR optical communications by PWM mode in MD C script
- Analog input AIN stream reading and displaying the graph
- FFT GUI for filtering noise
Example 13 – OpticalsystemGUI2 (PDF, MDD)
- IR optical communications by DIO PWM mode setup by GUI
- Analog input AIN stream reading and displaying the graph
- FFT GUI for filtering noise with a graph
Various additional examples written in MD C script (
MatDeck Python examples for LabJack T series
Example Python 1 – Python_Document_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Running Python for LabJack T series DIO configuration in PWM mode within a MatDeck document
- Compound Python code with image, text, titles and other MatDeck features
- Improving Python limitations by generating results simultaneously in the same document (result reads the counter value after one second)
Example Python 2 – Python_in_MatDeck_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Using dedicated MatDeck Python Editor to code for LabJack T series DIO configuration in PWM mode. In addition you can open it in a .PY file
Example Python 3 – Python_MatDeck_GUI_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Using MD LabJack GUI to configure DIO in PWM mode, no need to write configuration code Adding Python code to process tasks
- Simply adding 2D Graphs by using a GUI without the use of code
- Vibration with MatDeck and Python
- FFT in Python and Matdeck
- Data Acquisition