Why MatDeck

For every task, your success depends on the numerus options which your software gives you to solve your problems. MatDeck has more than 1600 functions and feature, allowing you to break limitations while stimulating you to think outside the box.

MatDeck connects you with various technologies which you wouldn’t have thought of before and enables you to create new and unique ideas to break boundaries and deliver new concepts which have not been imagine before. It is your environment which makes your successful solution.

While other software companies fixate on yearly subscriptions, our main software will always have a perpetual lifetime versionto give you security for the future.

We offer distinct MatDeck editions including GUI Designer and products tailored to different users and at different cost options.

Our aim is get more users so we can reduce our cost for all users

For Programmers, Python and C are our main targets, our software can call over 1600 MatDeck functions and build them into your app in both Python and MatDeck C, your app can then be installed on any PC and even on mobile phones.

We are permanently delivering new MatDeck features, functions and options and pushing users into new fields with numerus options for various applications.

We deliver fast processing for AI and Big Data with mathematical libraries for the CPU and GPU acceleration of mathematical functions.

We help you create applications for various electronic devices which can also be connected to and controlled by MatDeck.

We are an interface between the software world and necessary technologies.

In contrast to other software, MatDeck allows you to truly integrate and combine C script, Python, Drawings, Diagrams, Mathematical functions, Documentations, Tables, Custom Graphical User Interfaces (MatDeck GUI Designers)  and other feathers in the same file. MatDeck has more than a thousand other different features and are now available for both Python and MatDeck C.

MatDeck flexibility allows you to use different functions from different areas of academics (science, maths, computing …) together to solve tasks. It can be used for very complex and difficult applications for advanced users as well as ordinary everyday tasks that can be done by ordinary users, without programing and using various Matdeck Toolboxes or you can combine our canvas environment and our programing environment.  

We are currently heavily investing in R&D, as we see it as one of our safest ways to give us a long-term healthy future, allow us to still be able to provide high quality products at an affordable cost for our users by delivering software development which is always efficient and carefully reducing company bureaucracy.

Dedicated custom support is also available – contact sales or support.