Virtual Instrumentation – MatDeck Virtument 

Virtument Virtual Instrument Panel

Virtument is MatDeck’s Virtual PC instrumentation that can be used in conjunction with the MatDeck Document or independently. The Codeless Virtual Instrumentation Panel (included in MatDeck) is used to receive and display data as well as send and write data to hundreds of compatible hardware devices or to and from MatDeck document(s).

Virtual Instrumentation Option

  • Drag and drop Virtual Instrumentation with the Virtument Panel
  • Drag and drop Virtual Instrumentation with MatDeck Documents
  • Codeless Virtual Instrumentation with Python or with MD Script
  • Drag and drop Virtual Instruments with GUI Designers for Python and MD Script

Virtual Instrumentation Integration

Both MatDeck and Virtument Instrumentation can connect to an IP address in order to receive and transmit information. This means that the information can also be processed whilst its being sent and received using various mathematical functions in. MatDeck functions can do an incredibly vast amount go things, including DSP functions, DSP tool kits and various GUIs; all these reducing the amount of code needed for such complex work (for users that prefer to write in code), however Virtument itself is a codeless virtual instrumentation panel.

Drag and Drop Virtual Instrumentation Panel
Drag and Drop Virtual Instrumentation Panel

MatDeck also uses GUIs for signal processing and many more fields such as Audio Testing, DSP and more. Our MD GUIs are highly customizable to allow for the perfect solution as well as to be used of a variety of purposes. As mentioned before, MatDeck can communicate with a few hundred other devices using our flagship configuration forms which allows for codeless communication with all these devices meaning that no experience or knowledge is required.

Using a Virtual Instrumentation Panel with Hardware

Virtument and MatDeck example
Virtument and MatDeck example

For each instrument, there are GUI properties, meaning a bespoke instrument panel can be made in minutes, while still being incredibly, the user can edit and alter the scale, font, colours, frame and a variety of other features practical and professional as well as sending and receiving data in real time. For examples see our audio equaliser or DSP GUIs pages.

A custom MatDeck API can be added by to connect our software to any data acquisition and processing data boards and units.

Virtument Virtual Instrumentation Elements:

  • Gauges – squared, circular, linear…
  • Switches – rotary and toggle
  • Buttons – tact and push
  • Sliders – horizontal vertical
  • Plotter – data graph rolling in real time
  • Digit meter
  • VU meter gauges
  • Lamps, indicators
  • Import images
  • Text boxes
  • Tank
  • Temperature meter
  • and more
Virtual Instrumentation Instruments
Drag and Drop Virtual Instrumentation to generate Instruments Panel
Drag and Drop Virtual Instrumentation to generate Instruments Panel

From this window, you can choose which instruments you want to place on the Instrument Panel. You can also choose which Instrument to edit, delete, lock or set a password for, this enables only select users to edit, delete and move instruments. Users can also copy and paste Instruments that have already been made, this allows them to re-use the Instruments they want instead of having to create a new one every time. Furthermore, you can save and load Virtument files directly.

Virtual Instrumentation Configuration Form

For all of the instrument modules you can edit and change scale, font, colours, frame and various features. You can easily create a custom instrument panel.

Virtual Instrumentation GUI Designer

Instead of the Virtument window, you can use our Virtual Instrumentation as widgets in our Drag and Drop MatDeck GUI Designer. Once you have created your finished GUI, you can easily package it as a .exe file to distribute to other computers. MD GUI Designer supports Python and MD script.

Virtual Instrumentation GUI Designer

The illustration below shows the Virtument instrumentation and the MatDeck software connected to the IP address as well as external data acquisition and processing data unit and boards.

See Virtument Manual

See also: MatDeck SCADA

embeded SCADA