All examples on are PDF files to allow easier viewing. For the code, any MD product must be installed; all the code is then found in the Help tab under Docs.
Difficulty levels
- Basic
- Medium
- Advanced
2d Graph
3D Graph
Adaptive Filters
- Advantech example
- Advantech and MatDeck features
- Advantech Di and DO
- AI buffered mode realtime data processing
- AI buffered mode realtime data processing in loop
- AI buffered mode realtime graph
- AI buffered mode test
- AI buffered mode
- Analog output options
- AO example test universal
- AO example test
- Bit DI and DO
- Bitbased DI and DO
- DI DO buffered mode
- Port based DI and DO
- PWM test
Application of Distribution
- Cholesky decomposition using OpenCL
- FFT using CUDA
- FFT using OpenCL
- Hardware acceleration environment setup
- LU decomposition using CUDA
- LU decomposition using OpenCL
- QR decomposition using CUDA
- QR decomposition using OpenCL
- SVD decomposition using CUDA
- SVD decomposition using OpenCL
Artificial Intelligence
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Naive Bayes predicts diabetes
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Naive Bayes predicts diabetes
Audio Equipment Testing
- Generation of Chirp Audio Signal
- Inverse Equalizer Form
- Graphic Equalizer
- Microphone Testing with 10-bands Equalizer
- Microphone Testing and Graphic Equalizer
- Microphone Testing with Inverse Equalizer Toolkit
Automatic control
Build and Exe
C++ Style Script
- Introduction to programming
- Minimum and maximum of vector
- Recursion
- Class
- Calculator Programing Example
- Vibration receiver
- Vibration sender
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Chemical example
- Chemical reactions
- Acid base equilibria 1
- Acid base equilibria 2
- Surface tension
- Chemical equation balancing
- Access to Chemical Database - Mcul
- MatDeck: Access to Chemical Databases -Mcul
- Chemistry Plugin - Use Cases
- Graphical Interface for Chemical Information
- Chemical balancing
- Chemical balancing GUI
- Electrolytic reaction
- Periodic table
- Boiling elevation
- Electrochemical reaction inside a fuel cell
- Hydrogen ion concentration
- Oxygen reduction reaction in a fuel cell system
- Rate of effusion
- Electron configurations
Curve fitting
Data logger
Data IO
- Channel export import - IO
- Database export import - IO
- Excel export import - IO
- PPG Signal from Excel Files
Databases with Python
- How to connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- Inserting data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to select and print the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- Deleting data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
Databases with MatDeck
- Connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- How to insert data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- Selecting and then printing the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- How to delete data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
- Beta distribution - CDFn
- Beta distribution - PDFn
- Cauchy distribution - CDFn
- Cauchy distribution - PDFn
- Chi distribution - CDFn
- Chi distribution - PDFn
- Exponential distribution - CDFn
- Exponential distribution - PDFn
- F-distribution - CDFn
- F-distribution - PDFn
- Gamma distribution - CDFn
- Gamma distribution - PDFn
- Geometric distribution - CDFn
- Geometric distribution - PDFn
- Inverse beta distribution
- Inverse Cauchy distribution
- Inverse chi distribution
- Inverse exponential distribution
- Inverse f-distribution
- Inverse gamma distribution
- Inverse geometric distribution
- Inverse normal distribution
- Inverse Poisson distribution
- Inverse Student t-distribution
- Normal distribution
- Normal distribution - CDFn
- Normal distribution - PDFn
- Poisson distribution - CDFn
- Poisson distribution - PDFn
- Student t-distribution - CDFn
- Student t-distribution - PDFn
- Basic shapes
- Basic shapes continued
- Decimation
- Envelope
- Interpolation
- Sawtooth
- PPG Signal processing with Database Interface
- Create Database for PPG Signal
DSP ECG Processing
DSP Filtering
- Butterworth filter
- Chebyshev filter BS and BP
- Chebyshev filter type I
- Inverse Chebyshev BP and BS
- Inverse Chebyshev LP and HP
- Elliptic filter - BP and BS
- Elliptic filter - LP and HP
- Finite impulse response filters
- FIR filter design by frequency sampling
- IIR filter implementation
DSP Spectral Analysis
DSP Toolkits
- Correlation and convolution toolkit
- Filtering toolkit for FIR by wind freq
- Filtering toolkit for FIR opt
- Filtering toolkit IIR filtering form
- Filtering transforms
- Signal resampling form
- Signal statistics form
- Signal transform toolkit
- Waveform toolkit example
DSP Vibration Analysis
Image Processing
- ICP COM Devices - DI and DO in MatDeck
- ICP Example
- ICP and MatDeck Features
- SCADA GUI Configuration
- ConfigLabJackTxAIN (PDF, MDD)
- ConfigLabJackTxDAC (PDF, MDD)
- ConfigLabJackTxDIO (PDF, MDD)
- MultipleConfigSameDevice (PDF, MDD)
- MultipleConfigWithTable (PDF, MDD)
- TemperatureVirtument (PDF, ZIP)
- TemperatureVirtumentGUI (PDF, ZIP)
- Labjackdatabase (PDF, ZIP)
- LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_example (PDF, MDD)
- LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_GUI_PID_Script (PDF, MDD)
- Opticalsystem (PDF, MDD)
- OpticalsystemGUI2 (PDF, MDD)
- Python_Document_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_in_MatDeck_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_MatDeck_GUI_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Micro:bit comport widget nowhile
- Micro:bit comport widget
- Comport virtument nowhile
- 11 Micro:bit examples in a single file
Parallel processing
- Thermodynamics
- Mechanical linkage
- Hydrostatics
- Gas equations
- Nuclear reactions
- Particles collision
- Relativistics physycs Lorenz transformation
- X-ray
Project Management
Python Programming
- Python Programming in MatDeck
- MatDeck as Python Editor
- FFT in Python and Matdeck
- Vibration with MatDeck and Python
- How to add two variable numbers together
- Check if a number entered is a prime number
- Calculator for compound interest
- How to multiply two matrices together
- How to read and edit excel files
- How to print a single graph
- How to print multiple graphs in: the same graph, separate graphs or separate windows
- Displaying dynamic graphs
- How to use MatDeck C++ style script with Python cod
- FFT Testing using Python
- The advantages of MatDeck C++ style code in comparison to Python code
- Communication using a Python TCP/IP channel Server Document
- Communication using a Python TCP/IP channel Client Document
- TCP/IP sender and receiver Receiver Document
- TCP/IP sender and receiver Sender Document
- How to connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- Inserting data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to select and print the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- Deleting data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
- Access to Chemical Database - Mcul
- MatDeck: Access to Chemical Databases -Mcul
- Chemistry Plugin - Use Cases
- Graphical Interface for Chemical Information
- Python_Document_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_in_MatDeck_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_MatDeck_GUI_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Beta function
- Erf function
- Erfc function
- Gamma function
- Heavyside function
- Lambert function
- Lgamma function
- Struve function
- Zeta function