Databases for Beginners

In MatDeck we have implemented several types of database connectors and merged them into just one function to make interacting with databases easy for users. This allows us to organize data in ways best suited to our needs. This is also especially important for those who are entering the database world for the first time or for those who don’t want to spent hours trying to learn new syntax for simple interactions with databases. Offering MatDeck and databases together for free allows users to build up their skills and gain invaluable experiences with databases.

At the moment, MatDeck supports the following databases: Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite. Interactions with a database can be establish through the GUI Database Browser, functions used from a MatDeck document or by utilizing MatDeck script, allowing for all needs and preferences to be suited. For those that are familiar with Python there is also an option to code in MD Documents as our product is also a Python editor and can open, create and build Python documents.

The SQL query language that needs to be used depends on the database engine that you are working with: for example if you are working with a MySQL database, then the SQL query language that is used with the database must be MySQL query language. SQL queries are executed from the same function to all supported database types, making MatDeck much quicker and easier to use. The only part that needs adjusting is the content of the query, this is based on the database type you are using.

We have provided several basic examples of using MatDeck with SQLite databases:

Number one matches up with number one of the MatDeck/Python MySQL examples and so on

  1. Connecting to a SQLite Database:
  2. Creating a new table in SQLite databases:
  3. Inserting data into a SQLite table:
  4. Selecting table data:
  5. Deleting table data:
  6. Updating table data:
  7. Inner join in SQLite:

The following examples are basic examples of using MatDeck with MySQL database:

  1. Connecting to a MySQL Database:
  2. Creating a new MySQL database:
  3. Creating a new table in MySQL databases:
  4. Inserting data into a MySQL table:
  5. Selecting table data:
  6. Deleting table data:
  7. Updating table data:
  8. Inner join in MySQL: