Universal Technical Software for Innovations, Science, Engineering, AI and Mathematics
Empowering startups to be at the frontier of technology by allowing them to express ideas with less lines of code and less work.
Our No-Code Toolboxes and Solutions are favoured by entrepreneurs around the word for simplifying sophisticated tasks and allowing them to have a broad and diverse range of capabilities at an accessible price.
MatDeck allows you to integrate Python and MatDeck Code, GUI Designs, virtual instrumentation, data visualization, Artificial Intelligence, custom software plugins, WYSIWYG LabDeck Notes and various technological engines all to be comprehensively used within its interactive live documents which clearly embody the user’s ideas and thoughts.
Don’t wait for innovation, create it with the right software tool
MatDeck Free
Get a glimpse of MatDeck’s power
MD Python Designer
For professional GUI developers
Engineering Designer
Features orientated for engineers
Visionary Deck
Packed with additional features
Our Flagship Product
Available Engines
Drag and Drop Python GUI Designers
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
Kivy GUI Designer | limited | |||||
Tkinter GUI Designer | limited | |||||
Custom Tkinter GUI Designer | limited | |||||
Pyside2 GUI Designer | limited | |||||
Drag and Drop MD Script GUI Designer Fast EXE Script
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
MD Script |
Drag and Drop Multiplatform Web App Builder
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
Flet GUI Designer | ||||||
Kivy GUI Designer | limited |
STAT Studio Advanced Data Analysis and Regression
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
STAT Studio |
AI Generator Form
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
PyTorch | ||||||
Google TensorFlow |
Some of Our Other Engines
MatDeck Free | Lite MD Python Designer | MD Python Designer | Engineering Designer | Visionary Deck | MatDeck | |
IDE Python, MD Script and C | ||||||
LabDeck Note, Formula Editor | ||||||
WYSIWYG Narrative text editing + drag and drop features direct to canvas |
MD and Python GUI Designers | Limited | |||||
Database Management SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL |
AI Bench for Modelling | ||||||
Statistics | ||||||
MD Chemistry | ||||||
Embedded Python File and Functions | ||||||
Deploy EXE | ||||||
FFT | ||||||
Digital Signal Processing – DSP | ||||||
Image Processing | ||||||
ArrayFire | ||||||
Advanced Math Functions | ||||||
Data Acquisition | ||||||
Hardware Control and Monitor | ||||||
SCADA | ||||||
Virtual Instrumentation | ||||||
Dashboard |
Our Clients

Learn More About MatDeck’s Features
Difficulty levels
- Basic
- Medium
- Advanced
2d Graph
3D Graph
Adaptive Filters
- Advantech example
- Advantech and MatDeck features
- Advantech Di and DO
- AI buffered mode realtime data processing
- AI buffered mode realtime data processing in loop
- AI buffered mode realtime graph
- AI buffered mode test
- AI buffered mode
- Analog output options
- AO example test universal
- AO example test
- Bit DI and DO
- Bitbased DI and DO
- DI DO buffered mode
- Port based DI and DO
- PWM test
Application of Distribution
- Cholesky decomposition using OpenCL
- FFT using CUDA
- FFT using OpenCL
- Hardware acceleration environment setup
- LU decomposition using CUDA
- LU decomposition using OpenCL
- QR decomposition using CUDA
- QR decomposition using OpenCL
- SVD decomposition using CUDA
- SVD decomposition using OpenCL
Artificial Intelligence
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Naive Bayes predicts diabetes
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Naive Bayes predicts diabetes
Audio Equipment Testing
- Generation of Chirp Audio Signal
- Inverse Equalizer Form
- Graphic Equalizer
- Microphone Testing with 10-bands Equalizer
- Microphone Testing and Graphic Equalizer
- Microphone Testing with Inverse Equalizer Toolkit
Automatic control
Build and Exe
C++ Style Script
- Introduction to programming
- Minimum and maximum of vector
- Recursion
- Class
- Calculator Programing Example
- Vibration receiver
- Vibration sender
- Implementation of Naive Bayes in MatDeck
- Chemical example
- Chemical reactions
- Acid base equilibria 1
- Acid base equilibria 2
- Surface tension
- Chemical equation balancing
- Access to Chemical Database - Mcul
- MatDeck: Access to Chemical Databases -Mcul
- Chemistry Plugin - Use Cases
- Graphical Interface for Chemical Information
- Chemical balancing
- Chemical balancing GUI
- Electrolytic reaction
- Periodic table
- Boiling elevation
- Electrochemical reaction inside a fuel cell
- Hydrogen ion concentration
- Oxygen reduction reaction in a fuel cell system
- Rate of effusion
- Electron configurations
Curve fitting
Data logger
Data IO
- Channel export import - IO
- Database export import - IO
- Excel export import - IO
- PPG Signal from Excel Files
Databases with Python
- How to connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- Inserting data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to select and print the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- Deleting data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
Databases with MatDeck
- Connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- How to insert data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- Selecting and then printing the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- How to delete data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
- Beta distribution - CDFn
- Beta distribution - PDFn
- Cauchy distribution - CDFn
- Cauchy distribution - PDFn
- Chi distribution - CDFn
- Chi distribution - PDFn
- Exponential distribution - CDFn
- Exponential distribution - PDFn
- F-distribution - CDFn
- F-distribution - PDFn
- Gamma distribution - CDFn
- Gamma distribution - PDFn
- Geometric distribution - CDFn
- Geometric distribution - PDFn
- Inverse beta distribution
- Inverse Cauchy distribution
- Inverse chi distribution
- Inverse exponential distribution
- Inverse f-distribution
- Inverse gamma distribution
- Inverse geometric distribution
- Inverse normal distribution
- Inverse Poisson distribution
- Inverse Student t-distribution
- Normal distribution
- Normal distribution - CDFn
- Normal distribution - PDFn
- Poisson distribution - CDFn
- Poisson distribution - PDFn
- Student t-distribution - CDFn
- Student t-distribution - PDFn
- Basic shapes
- Basic shapes continued
- Decimation
- Envelope
- Interpolation
- Sawtooth
- PPG Signal processing with Database Interface
- Create Database for PPG Signal
DSP ECG Processing
DSP Filtering
- Butterworth filter
- Chebyshev filter BS and BP
- Chebyshev filter type I
- Inverse Chebyshev BP and BS
- Inverse Chebyshev LP and HP
- Elliptic filter - BP and BS
- Elliptic filter - LP and HP
- Finite impulse response filters
- FIR filter design by frequency sampling
- IIR filter implementation
DSP Spectral Analysis
DSP Toolkits
- Correlation and convolution toolkit
- Filtering toolkit for FIR by wind freq
- Filtering toolkit for FIR opt
- Filtering toolkit IIR filtering form
- Filtering transforms
- Signal resampling form
- Signal statistics form
- Signal transform toolkit
- Waveform toolkit example
DSP Vibration Analysis
Image Processing
- ICP COM Devices - DI and DO in MatDeck
- ICP Example
- ICP and MatDeck Features
- SCADA GUI Configuration
- ConfigLabJackTxAIN (PDF, MDD)
- ConfigLabJackTxDAC (PDF, MDD)
- ConfigLabJackTxDIO (PDF, MDD)
- MultipleConfigSameDevice (PDF, MDD)
- MultipleConfigWithTable (PDF, MDD)
- TemperatureVirtument (PDF, ZIP)
- TemperatureVirtumentGUI (PDF, ZIP)
- Labjackdatabase (PDF, ZIP)
- LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_example (PDF, MDD)
- LabJack_PID_T_Direct_AT_GUI_PID_Script (PDF, MDD)
- Opticalsystem (PDF, MDD)
- OpticalsystemGUI2 (PDF, MDD)
- Python_Document_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_in_MatDeck_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_MatDeck_GUI_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Micro:bit comport widget nowhile
- Micro:bit comport widget
- Comport virtument nowhile
- 11 Micro:bit examples in a single file
Parallel processing
- Thermodynamics
- Mechanical linkage
- Hydrostatics
- Gas equations
- Nuclear reactions
- Particles collision
- Relativistics physycs Lorenz transformation
- X-ray
Project Management
Python Programming
- Python Programming in MatDeck
- MatDeck as Python Editor
- FFT in Python and Matdeck
- Vibration with MatDeck and Python
- How to add two variable numbers together
- Check if a number entered is a prime number
- Calculator for compound interest
- How to multiply two matrices together
- How to read and edit excel files
- How to print a single graph
- How to print multiple graphs in: the same graph, separate graphs or separate windows
- Displaying dynamic graphs
- How to use MatDeck C++ style script with Python cod
- FFT Testing using Python
- The advantages of MatDeck C++ style code in comparison to Python code
- Communication using a Python TCP/IP channel Server Document
- Communication using a Python TCP/IP channel Client Document
- TCP/IP sender and receiver Receiver Document
- TCP/IP sender and receiver Sender Document
- How to connect to databases with MySQL and SQLite
- How to create a new MySQL database
- Creating a new table in MySQL and SQLite
- Inserting data into tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to select and print the selected data with MySQL and SQLite
- Deleting data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to update/change data from tables with MySQL and SQLite
- How to use inner join with MySQL and SQLite
- Access to Chemical Database - Mcul
- MatDeck: Access to Chemical Databases -Mcul
- Chemistry Plugin - Use Cases
- Graphical Interface for Chemical Information
- Python_Document_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_in_MatDeck_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Python_MatDeck_GUI_LabJackConfig (PDF, MDD)
- Beta function
- Erf function
- Erfc function
- Gamma function
- Heavyside function
- Lambert function
- Lgamma function
- Struve function
- Zeta function
Vectors and Matrix
Innovative computing environment for Science, Engineering and Mathematics
MatDeck’s unique software architecture provides a document editor and a modular design paired with simultaneous processing engines that are expertly applied in mathematics, chemistry, physics, computing, signal processing, control, data acquisition, electronics and other engineering and scientific applications.